Heart of the Baobab. Liturgical Arts by Scott Arany.

A collection of original song recordings, charts, scores, and musical performances. I sing and I play the mountain dulcimer, the banjo, score short films and compose electronica and experimental vocal/choral-chant-scapes.

My Soul Finds Rest (mp3)
Acoustic cover of a Vineyard song by Mary MacLean.

Hail, Gladdening Light! (mp3)
Setting of one the Church's earliest hymns; live performance @Tribe of LA, 2010

We Wait (mp3 | chart)
Live performance @Tribe of LA, 2010.

I Will Rest In You (mp3 | lead sheet)
(live performance @Tribe of LA, 2010.

Kyrie (mp3 | score)
Simple response for voices, accompanied by guitar or strings.

Our Eden (mp3)
Written with Eric Dhyrsen; lyrics adapted from Thomas Merton.

You Have Redeemed My Soul (Vimeo).
Song from Enter the Worship Circle. I wrote a new verse and chorus. Video.
You have redeemed this world from the curse of brokenness
You have redeemed this world from death

We were a darkened city, a rejected people,
We were an empty temple, and no one could find anywhere to rest
But You brought light to our pathways, and leaves for our healing,
And to this lonely altar You brought the glory and life of Your Lamb,
And nothing is impossible for You.

O When Shall I See Jesus (Vimeo).
(Old shape-note hymn from the Sacred Harp, arranged for folk-rock band. Video.)